Outreach & Tracking - a Non-Residential Program offered by Key in Massachusetts and Rhode Island

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Non Residential, Home-Based Programs

Key runs various home-based programs throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island with the goal of preventing out-of-home placement or as an aftercare to ensure timely reunification. Our programs provide supportive services to children and families who are experiencing behavioral, mental health, family, and educational challenges.

Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI) - Therapeutic Mentor, In-Home Therapy, and In-Home Behavioral Therapy Programs

Our CBHI programs provides a community-based system of care to ensure that families and their children with significant behavioral, emotional, and mental health needs obtain the services necessary for success in home, school, and the community.  This program provides a combination of a therapeutic mentoring and an in-home therapy. Learn more about the Children's Behavioral Health Initiative.

Enhanced Family Support Services (EFSS)

EFSS combines all the components of our Outreach and Tracking model with a formalized clinical component that provides in-home treatment, assessment, and consultation as part of the Key team's services for the family. In addition, EFSS maintains a family visitation component which works to strengthen the family bond to ensure timely reunification.  Referrals to this program are made through the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF).

Family Networks Lead Agency

Every DCF Area Office in Massachusetts contracts with private providers to serve as their Lead Agency.  Key is the Lead Agency in six areas. Our duties include serving as the liaison between DCF and the provider network to identify and authorize services for children who live in a family setting, in Comprehensive Foster Care, in Short-term Assessment and Rapid Reintegration (STARR) Programs, or in Residential Treatment Programs.  Once the service is opened, Key works with DCF, the providers and the youth and families to conduct utilization reviews to ensure the right service is offered and the length of service is managed based on quality, effectiveness, and the individual needs of the youth. Each Lead Agency also has an Education Coordinator who helps access appropriate educational services and school placements.

Family Support Center (FSC)

FSC combines all the components of our Outreach and Tracking model with a formalized clinical component that provides in-home treatment, assessment, and consultation as part of the Key team's services to the family.  Referrals to this program are made through the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Outreach & Tracking Program and Enhanced Family Outreach

Our Outreach and Tracking program is our flagship model, having operated continuously for nearly 45 years.  This program is designed to assist youth and families in remaining in their community by providing a strength-based assessment, intensive wraparound, and a flexible array of in-home and community based services.  Through intensive tracking, this program guides families through educational, legal, mental health and community supports.  Key's Enhanced Family Outreach program includes in-home family therapy component.   Referrals to this program are made through the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCYF).

Outpatient Mental Health Clinics

Key provides a wide array of individual, group and family therapy, in-home therapy, specialized trauma evaluations, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric assessments and medication management through its licensed Mental Health Clinics.  Services are provided in the youth’s home, in our Clinic sites, or in the residential treatment programs that Key operates across Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)

Triple P is a comprehensive, evidence-based parenting and family support system designed to increase parents’ confidence and competence in raising children, improve the quality of parent-child relationships, de-stigmatize parenting information and family support, and make evidence-based parenting information and interventions widely accessible to parents.  Our Family Specialists work directly with youth and families to maintain children in their homes or to ensure time reunification.  Referrals to this program are made through the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Unlocking Hope 

Unlocking Hope is an Outpatient Counseling Program located in Providence, RI serving children and young adults from
ages 4-19.   Clinical Services include individual, family and group therapy and are provided by clinicians informed through experience and evidence-based interventions. 

Treatment services for children, adolescents, young adults and families support those struggling with:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma & PTSD
  • Grief & Loss
  • Family Conflict
  • Life Transitions
  • Academic Difficulties
  • Adoption/Foster Care

Payment Options:

  • Self Pay
  • Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
  • RI Medicaid


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For more information and to make Referrals:


623 Atwells Avenue, Suite 201D
Providence, RI


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