Undergraduate and Graduate Internship Programs with the Key Program in Massachusetts and Rhode Island

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Undergraduate & Graduate Internship Program

Key's Undergraduate and Graduate Internship Program will provide a practical work setting, hands-on experience, structured supervision, and ongoing feedback about your strengths, skills, and potential for growth.

Key’s Internship Program will expose you to a wide variety of experiences and build a bridge between your academic preparation and a practical applied setting. 

Intern Experiences Include:

Graduate level interns may have the experiences listed above as well as additional experiences required by their graduate degree program. For example, the following clinical experiences may occur under the direct supervision of a clinically-licensed internship placement supervisor.

Undergraduate and Graduate Internship Placement Requirements:

Application Process:

1.  See the internship location sites below and select your area of choice. 

2.  Send an email and attached resume to the person listed for the location site you are interested in.   In the email, include your required number of internship hours per week and the anticipated start and end date.

3.  If you are selected for an interview, you will then complete Key's Internship Placement Application (that will be provided to you at that time).  

Undergradate and Graduate Internship Placement Site Locations: 

CENTRAL MA,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Joanna Davis, Sr. Administrative Supervisor
jhdavis@key.org or  (508) 753-6263

FRAMINGHAM, MA  (Framingham, MA - Human Resource Internships Only)
Carol Malone, Recruitment & Training Manager
cmalone@key.org or (508) 877-3690

NORTHEAST, MA  (Location:  Methuen, MA area)
Undergraduate:   Howard MacKenzie, Recruiter/Trainer
hmackenzie@key.org  or  (978) 685-0194                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Graduate: Nancy Fillio, LISCW, Regional Clinical Director                                                                                                                                                                                                  nfillio@key.org  (978- 685-0194  

SOUTHEAST, MA and RHODE ISLAND  (Locations:  Fall River, New Bedford, Wareham, MA and Providence, RI)
Evelyn Payamps, Recruiter/Trainer
epayamps@key.org  or  (508) 675-0686

WALTHAM, MA - Children's Charter Trauma Clinic (Waltham, MA - 2nd and 3rd Year Clinical Graduate-Level Interns Only)
Master's Level:  Angeline Hynes, LICSW, Clinician  - ahynes@key.org                                                                                                                                                                                Doctoral-Level:  Carrie (Mirphy) Cote, Psy.D Licensed Psychologist - cmurphy@key.org    

WESTERN MA  (Locations:  Greater Springfield, Greenfield  & Pittsfield, MA)
Lynn Meffen, LICSW, Clinical Supervisor 
lmeffen@key.org or  (413) 781-6485

William G. Lyttle Human Service Professional Award

The William G. Lyttle Human Service Professional Award proudly recognizes those special individuals whose passion is to make a difference in the world around them. Eligible recipients of the William G. Lyttle Human Service Professional Award are Bachelor-level or Master-level graduates who have successfully completed an internship or co-op placement at Key and, upon their graduation, are offered and accept a full-time position at Key.  The award of $2,500 is received upon successful completion of a three-month orientation period.  

Commemorative Deborah Feldstein Bartfeld Social Work and Mental Health Professional Award

The Commemorative Deborah Feldstein Bartfeld (DBT) Social Work and Mental Health Professional Award proudly recognizes individuals dedicated to impacting lives by providing vital social work and mental health services to those in need.  The Award honors the memory of Deborah Feldstein Bartfeld, whose passion for social work included an internship with Key.  

Eligible recipients of the DFB Social Work and Mental Health Professional Award are Masters-level or Doctoral-level Social Work, Counseling Psychology, Psychology or Mental Health Counseling students who successfully complete an internship with Key and, upon graduation, are offered and accepted a full-time position at Key.  The award of $5,000 is received upon successful completion of a three-month, new hire orientation period.